Quotes - Quote #566

< graymalkin> DNS is a stupid protocol.
< bunu> graymalkin: is it all going wrong
< graymalkin> domain names are split into labels (fine) but instead of using a delimitter - it's "read n bytes, for this field and on the nth you'll find the length of the next. keep going until you find one that is 0"
< graymalkin> also I crashed sublime.
< graymalkin> (while (1)) is not good.
< bunu> thats not really dns' fault
< graymalkin> no - but the protocol is :P
< bunu> i dint think its the protocals fault
< Ritsuka> come up with something better then
< bunu> its the tossers that designed it
< graymalkin> Ritsuka: i'm sure lots of people could come up with lots of better things
< graymalkin> but it's established and works
< graymalkin> so why would anyone change it?
* bunu designs a graymalkin mark 2
* graymalkin remembers how his father prefers hiw younger sister
< graymalkin> D:
* graymalkin runs away crying
#566 Posted under kent #cs on 2014-10-23 17:03