Quotes - Quote #569

< bunu> where is everyone, its so very quiet
< graham> Sitting here with a nice cup of tea. Although admittedly I'm not paying attention to IRC
< Ritsuka> impromtu poetry from graham
< bunu> Ritsuka: but great artists are only appreciated when they are dead
* Ritsuka opens the #cs Armory and steps aside for bunu
* bunu picks up the great potato of destiny and smashes it around graham's face
* graham self destructs, spreading radio-active waste far into the reaches of #cs
< bunu> wow that graham did some great poetry
< graham> :D
< bunu> graham: oi your dead
* Ritsuka revokes the Poet Laureate award
< Ritsuka> partially for still being alive, partially for turning #cs into a smoking wasteland
< Ritsuka> or hang on, was it already like this?
< bunu> Ritsuka: quiet right, however #cs was always a smoking wasteland
< bunu> if anything he tidied up the place
#569 Posted under #cs on 2014-11-22 21:10