Quotes - Quote #620

20:06 < bunu> I think amazon have bought to many Bosch IXO Cordless Screwdriver with Integrated 3.6 V Lithium-Ion 
20:06 < bunu> because apparantly its perfect for a "gift for her" on valentines day
20:06 < bunu> and for data night
20:07 < bunu> s/data/date/
20:21 < Vroomfondel> well, it might be
20:21 < Vroomfondel> depends what she likes
20:25 < bunu> and its use on date night is?
20:26 < Vroomfondel> putting up shelves.
20:31 < bunu> an insight into Vroomfondel's date night
20:39 < Vroomfondel> Vroomfondel doesn't have date nights. Vroomfondels are a lonesome species.
20:40 < Vroomfondel> probably because Vroomfondels think putting up shelves might be romantic
20:42 < bunu> i guess this can be considered progress
#620 Posted under kent #cs on 2018-02-08 20:44