<Shish> I think I just shat cthulhu <Shish> Tentacles and everything <Shish> What did I eat? :S
<ross> STARSHIP ENTERPRISE. imagine the support contract <ross> apt-get remove warpcore
10:46 < Dark-Side> I want to see Pacific Rim 10:46 <~ross> i can't get excited about something that sounds like a toilet cleaner
<@hms> I hear Munich's cool <shadebug> we could all move there and become the munchen bunchen <goodger> get out
Posted under
on 2013-07-01 08:11
<ross> i love how, in computer science, 'gay' has nothing to do with sexuality, it's a term used for when a piece of software or hardware lacks a function or ability to be configured in the way you need it <ross> "it can't do that" "ugh, gay"
<Dark-Side> I too do not feel very well <Dark-Side> mostly because of excess food and alchol <Dark-Side> but i am reading an email in comic sans <Dark-Side> so it could be that too
<SkimbleOut> I agree that pedigree breeding is cruel, but domesticated animals live *much* better lives than their wild cousins. <SkimbleOut> In virtually every conceivable way. They live longer, they aren't at risk of death every day (unless they're near a road) etc. <shadebug> much comfier lives, certainly, but boring lives. I suppose it's the choice between homelessness and indentured servitude <@hms> it's as boring as the owner makes it *** Shish ponders a chicken coop with chainsaws
Posted under
on 2013-06-12 16:23
* Velyks secures his network home folder to stop people nicking his scripts * Exopaladin steals Velyks' scripts < Velyks> No they're undocumented! < Velyks> You'll kill us all!
<goodger> jojo is still the most homoerotic thing I've seen <goodger> including 3000 hours of gay porn
Posted under
on 2013-05-25 17:30