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< zenith> YMMV...
< zenith> what game is that
< Gargravarr> Your Mileage May Vary
< Gargravarr> it's a weird game, it's different for everyone
#575 Posted under #cs on 2015-01-13 14:39

< Tatskaari> Still better custmer service than Oracle.
< Tatskaari> They require you to claw your eyes out in frustration
< bunu> Tatskaari: you know you can get round that by sending them a severed dick
< bunu> it dosent even need to be your own
< Tatskaari> bunu, where do you live?
* bunu hides
#574 Posted under #cs kent on 2015-01-13 14:38

< Ritsuka> you guys need to just fight it out for the title of #cs's Greatest Dick
< Ritsuka> interpret that as you will
< graymalkin> ayleid: you're welcome to that title.
< graymalkin> keep it, I incest.
< Ritsuka> graymalkin: leave your sister out of this
< graymalkin> agh. Freudian Slip!
#572 Posted under #cs kent on 2015-01-05 14:16

16:52 < graymalkin> %fite bunu 
16:52  * Marvin32 dribbles
#571 Posted under #cs marvin on 2014-12-19 16:53

< graymalkin> Tatskaari: no, I'd rather never touch node with a 10ft barge pole :P
< Featherer> 10'3"?
< graymalkin> that would be acceptable
< graymalkin> 9'11" also. but 10'0" is preposterous.
< Featherer> How many significant figures?
< graymalkin> 2
< graymalkin> *3
< graymalkin> idk if 11 inches is 1 or 2 figures in the measurement 9'11"
< Featherer> 2
< Featherer> 1 would round to 10
< graymalkin> but the measurement system in base 12
< Featherer> The feet are modulo 12
< graymalkin> rounding 11 to 10 seems wrong, when 9 is fine on its own
< graymalkin> if I have 9'11" to 2s.f. I feel like the `11' is *single* figure
< Featherer> But if it's inches, you'll be rounding in decimal
< graymalkin> it's a non-decimal part of that number, why would I round in decimal
< graymalkin> it's like saying 0x1A rounds to 0x1
< graymalkin> * 0x2
< graymalkin> +0
< graymalkin> >.<
< Featherer> You're using the decimal numbering system
< graymalkin> I'm not, I'm denoting base with the '" notation
< graymalkin> I can't make inches *not* base 12, by writing them in arabic numerals
< graymalkin> that's just wrong
< Featherer> 100 feet is 100 feet in decimal
< graymalkin> 11 inches == 11 inches to 1s.f.
< graymalkin> yeah, that's fine
< graymalkin> but the inches aren't in decimal
< Ritsuka> THIS is why the metric system was invented
#570 Posted under #cs kent on 2014-12-19 11:07

< bunu> where is everyone, its so very quiet
< graham> Sitting here with a nice cup of tea. Although admittedly I'm not paying attention to IRC
< Ritsuka> impromtu poetry from graham
< bunu> Ritsuka: but great artists are only appreciated when they are dead
* Ritsuka opens the #cs Armory and steps aside for bunu
* bunu picks up the great potato of destiny and smashes it around graham's face
* graham self destructs, spreading radio-active waste far into the reaches of #cs
< bunu> wow that graham did some great poetry
< graham> :D
< bunu> graham: oi your dead
* Ritsuka revokes the Poet Laureate award
< Ritsuka> partially for still being alive, partially for turning #cs into a smoking wasteland
< Ritsuka> or hang on, was it already like this?
< bunu> Ritsuka: quiet right, however #cs was always a smoking wasteland
< bunu> if anything he tidied up the place
#569 Posted under #cs on 2014-11-22 21:10

* Gargravarr notes TW is oddly sunny
<velyks> Gargravarr: Tunbridge Wells?
<Gargravarr> yus
<velyks> I go down there once in a while for work
<zenith> you should totes meet up and do lunch
<Exopaladin> And/or fight to the death for king of Tunbridge Wells
<Gargravarr> plan
#568 Posted under #cs on 2014-11-18 11:05

<ayleid> my zombie survival plan is to put on body armour, strap giant swords to my arms, wade into a horde of zombies and cut my throat/vocal chords
<ayleid> now the survivors have to deal with a silent, bullet proof zombie with swords for arms. enjoy.
* Gargravarr scratches 'Team Player' off ayleid's attributes list
#567 Posted under #cs on 2014-10-27 14:29

< graymalkin> DNS is a stupid protocol.
< bunu> graymalkin: is it all going wrong
< graymalkin> domain names are split into labels (fine) but instead of using a delimitter - it's "read n bytes, for this field and on the nth you'll find the length of the next. keep going until you find one that is 0"
< graymalkin> also I crashed sublime.
< graymalkin> (while (1)) is not good.
< bunu> thats not really dns' fault
< graymalkin> no - but the protocol is :P
< bunu> i dint think its the protocals fault
< Ritsuka> come up with something better then
< bunu> its the tossers that designed it
< graymalkin> Ritsuka: i'm sure lots of people could come up with lots of better things
< graymalkin> but it's established and works
< graymalkin> so why would anyone change it?
* bunu designs a graymalkin mark 2
* graymalkin remembers how his father prefers hiw younger sister
< graymalkin> D:
* graymalkin runs away crying
#566 Posted under kent #cs on 2014-10-23 17:03

< choctastic> i had a rather disgusting pink lady last night
< choctastic> it was expensive as well
< Gargravarr> at one point this conversation was about apples, but now i'm not sure...
#564 Posted under #cs on 2014-08-20 19:57

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