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11:24	<Marvin31>	it's pretty obvious when the dicks don't fit
#616 Posted under #cs on 2017-09-13 10:27

15:23	<ayleid>	Where's the bar?
15:24	<Vroomfondel>	you've given up on your ubuntu and turned to drink?
#614 Posted under #cs #kent on 2017-04-26 14:28

velyks | ayleid: Factorio tickles a different ballsack
#613 Posted under bored #cs on 2017-04-05 12:28

16:54 < Ritsuka> just told a colleague a Jenkins job built when given HEAD
16:54 < Ritsuka> hopefully that won't be taken out of context
#612 Posted under on 2017-04-03 16:04

11:56 <ayleid> I am a teapot, short and stout
11:56 <ayleid> Here's my handle and here's my stout
11:57 <ayleid> spout
11:57 <ayleid> dammit
#610 Posted under #cs kent on 2017-03-10 12:02

16:55	<Penguin>	#talk about foo
16:55	<Marvin31>	My python foo is soooo long gone
#609 Posted under #cs on 2017-02-21 16:56

11:34 <Mex> #random
11:34 <Marvin31> offers Mex a yam
#608 Posted under kent #cs on 2017-02-02 11:35

< CirnoX> uru: don't worry too much
< uru> n.n
< graymalkin> but do worry a little
< uru> o.o
#607 Posted under on 2016-12-16 16:16

< Mex> it's pretty huge
< Mex> but also kind of tiny
#606 Posted under on 2016-12-13 14:06

< Gargravarr> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-38051923
< Exobot> Title: South Africa's 'Prophet of Doom' condemned - BBC News
< ayleid> I know. "a government commission urged anyone effected to lodge complaints." -> affected*
< Eek> If the antiprophet uses this Doom in a ritual, to summon demons.... those demons would have been effected, no?
< Eek> so the government is asking for any demons that have been summoned against their will to lodge complaints
#605 Posted under #cs on 2016-11-21 16:20

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